Bring it on 2025 !!

Have a radical 2025 everybody !
Have a radical 2025 everybody !
We don't normally run our end of the month Open Evening information sessions in December as they tend to coincide with a whole load of other, more momentous, activities at this seasonal time of year. So the next Open Evening of the Argyle Street Housing Co-operative will actually be held early in January and it will also during the day. We'll probably need to have a rethink on the name as well.
We've come to the conclusion that, during the winter months, the cold, dark evening are probably not the most conducive for getting the ideas across. We find that they just seem to tax the energy levels. So we're changing the routine to begin holding them on the last Saturday morning of the month.
To make up for the lack of a session in December, the January one will be held a little earlier.
So the first of these Saturday sessions will be on January 11th 2025 at 10.45 am. If you want to attend this meeting let us know by contacting us in the way of your choosing.
So a peaceful seasonal thing to all and, in whatever way you celebrate it, joy and happiness in abundance. Roll on 2025.
Hi, my name is Issac my dad and papy live here and i love it here becaues it's fun and we work as a team and i love that we all try to be good neighbours. The gardens are big and safe for everyone who wants to work here.
Join now and try to make the world a better place for everyone!
The Information Session your introduction to co-operatives and ASH Co-op, where you find out more about us and discover whether this is a place where you would like to live.
The date of the next Information Session is : at 10.45am
contact us for more details if you're interested.