Apply to live at ASH Co-op
ASH Co-op is unlike other forms of rented accomodation since, as tenants, we are also share-holding member of the housing association where we live. You cannot become a member without becoming a tenant and to become a tenant you need first to complete the application process which is described here.
Our application and allocations process is designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding to hopefully become a participant in our unique form of member-led manageement. Member participation is crucial to the success of the business that houses and sustains us, so if this kind of engagement does not appeal to you then please consider other forms of accomodation.
Our website contains all that you need to understand the fundamentals of how we work, what we expect from our members and what we seek in applicants for housing with us. Below is a description of our application process and some notes that will help you prepare for it.
Application process
There five stages in the application process for housing with the Argyle Street Housing Co-operative
- Attend an Open Evening
- Fill out an application form
- Attend a co-op general meeting
- Attend a shortlist interview
- Applying for a room in a shared house, or for a flat, when they become available.
Open Evening
The Open Evening is usually held once a month on a Monday evening from 7:00pm and offers applicants an
opportunity to
find out more about the Co-op and co-operative housing in general. It also offers a chance for
applicants to talto
current members to gain a further understanding of life at ASH Co-op. Application forms will be
available if you do
decide to apply. You can find the date of the next open evening here
Application form
If you feel that the Co-op is the place for you and that you meet the eligibility requirements, then once
you have
attended an Open Evening you should fill in the application and return it to us. The application form is
not available
until you have attended the Open Evening, so you should do that as soon as possible.
On receipt of your completed form we will carry out an initial assessment of your eligibility for housing
with us and
if accepted we will contact you inviting you to our next Open Evening.
Please note: all information contained within your form will be treated with the strictest confidence and
will not be
made available to any party outside of ASH Co-op
General Meeting
We like our applicants to attend one of our monthly general meetings. By attending a general meeting applicants can see ASH
democracy in action, participate in the discussions, and ask questions to learn more about how we work.
And you just might meet a future housemate !
Short-list Interview
The shortlist interview is where current ASH Co-op members speak to you in person about your application. There are normally at least two members present and they will ask you about the following :
- To demonstrate an understanding of what a housing co-operative is
- To show that you understand the importance of equality and diversity
- To demonstrate that you understand how ASH Co-op works
- To demonstrate an awareness of our working groups and how you may be likely to participate
- To show that you know how to co-operate and what to do when things go sour
Success at the Short-list interview puts you on our shortlist of housing candidates. The process is not finished yet though because we can only house applicants when a vacancy becomes available
If you have not been successful in your shortlist interview do not despair. You will be notified in writing with a statement as to why your application was rejected and offered an opportunity to re-apply starting with attendance at another open evening.
We can only house new members when a room has been vacated and there is no telling when this is likely to be,
so please be aware that, even after getting this far in the application process, it may require some time to wait before finding a place at ASH Co-op.
As a shortlist member you are permitted to attend further general meetings. You can make of this what you will.
You should also take the time to periodically check our vacancies which do come up you know. Be patient and don't despair.
Notes for Applicants
You do not need any special personal qualities to qualify for housing in co-operative but you do need to be prepared to accept some fundamental principles central to our unique ways or organising. For some this might mean a shift in their previously held beliefs
Housing co-operation
You should also really know what a housing co-operative is. Our definition of a housing
co-operative can be read here.
If you can't demonstrate that you understand this then your application will fail.
Getting along with each other
We all have to try to get along and this is especially true within shared housing. Living and sharing with
others can be difficult if people do not understand that this means having a reasonable level of
open-mindedness and tolerance towards others.
Our policies on equality and diversity and personal disputes and conflicts are core principles and applicants are expected to demonstrate that they possess a solid understanding and commitment to both.
Getting involved at the ASH Co-op
In your shortlist interview you will be asked to show how you imagnine yourself contributing to ASH Co-op and what working groups interest you. You can find a list and description of the working groups here
Under the terms of our tenancies, all members are required to attend at least three General Meetings a year and be actively involved in the running of The Co-op.
If you want to add shine to your application or if you're interested in digging a little deeper into the way we operate - our govenance - then please feel free to check our our governance page.
In return for putting in a little bit of work ...
Given that most housing associations do not provide tenants with any say in the running of their housing, we feel that this represents a small effort on the part of each member to ensure that our co-op continues to thrive as it has for the past 20 years. Members can also join the Management Committee and/or various Working Groups which manage the day-to-day business of The Co-op.
House interviews
The people who live in each house are responsible for interviewing and selecting prospective housemates, to ensure that they maintain a balance in their house where each member feels comfortable with onanother and gets along (at
least most of the time!). It's important to make sure that you know what you want from a house too, as you have to be
happy where you live and with the people you live with. Each house interview has to be a two-way process
- the house
members will ask you questions but feel free to ask a few yourself.